Sunday, March 29, 2020

COVID-19 Comments for Today


As Mayor of Highland City I would like to briefly discuss our present circumstances.

First, I would like to thank our state leadership for their efforts in responding to the COVID 19 virus and planning for the future. They have done an excellent job in communicating to residents and local leaders. The latest information such as the "Stay Safe/Stay Home" directive and "Utah Leads Together" plan can be found on

Utah Leads Together

Second, city staff has done an excellent job responding to our changing circumstances. Essential services (water, sewer, public safety ...) continue to function. Other non-critical services are being provided with some changes to normal interactions. Please check our website for the latest information.

And third, I've learned  that my best decisions are made with thoughtful planning AND faith, those based on fear are not. Admiral James Stockdale, who survived over 7 years as a POW during the Vietnam war made this statement about his ability to survive when others did not:

You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.

While we are not confronted with torture, depredation, and physical shackles today, we do have constraints with which we have to contend. Faith that we will eventually prevail is essential. The sun will come up tomorrow, the immediate viral concerns will dissipate, and we will get through our economic challenges. Today we have a chance to "exercise" our faith so that it will be stronger tomorrow. We can also serve others and thus bless our community, state, nation and the world.

Please include not only your family and friends in your prayers this day, but also ask that our leaders be inspired in their various spheres of influence to make decisions that are in our long term best interest.

Whatever your role be considerate of others. For the time being that means:

  • physical distancing—my wife prefers this term to social distancing (I agree);  those that know her know why.
  • following strict hygiene practices.
  • working from home if possible.
  • self-quarantining if ill or exposed an individual who exhibits COVID-19 symptoms

Remember, while there is much work to be done, this challenge will pass. There will be better days ahead. The glass is usually not full. Whether we view it as partially full or partially empty is up to us.

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