Monday, July 31, 2017

Questions from Highland Residents


I’ve knocked on nearly 10% of the doors in Highland, and talked with many of you at various events. Here are responses to three of the questions and comments I frequently hear:

Sunday, July 30, 2017

City Council 6-Jun-2017: Annexation, New Veterinary Office Permit, 2017-18 Budget Approval, and Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Plan

2017-06-06 Gen Fund Rev vs Exp

Sixteen residents attended the meeting; three were candidates, the rest had items of concern on the agenda or were there for scouting. We were done in less than an hour – most likely a record for an annual budget meeting. We were able to get through the budget “quickly” because of the discussions that we had in prior council meetings/work sessions, staff’s thoroughness in preparation and the mayor who moved things along.


Monday, July 10, 2017

16-May-2017: Funding Road Rehabilitation

2017-05-17 Highland Road - All Segments

Fifteen residents attended the meeting. Not many considering the nature of the conversation, the Road Fee.


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Why is Rod Running for Mayor?

RunningRod_white - croppedSo why the heck I am running? Wasn’t four years as a member of the Highland City council enough? My council experience actually exceeded my expectations. Granted they were low, however I found I enjoyed learning, responding to questions, and writing about city issues in my blog. I also found that if I didn’t get push back on positions I ended up being unsure of them. When challenged I listen and do more homework. I find that my convictions are strengthened by the process or I modify my position based on new information.

The council and staff has “moved the ball” forward during the last four years. I want to be involved in continuing to make improvements on how we operate as a city.

Why I am running for mayor of Highland City.

When I ran for council I initially had to push myself out the door to walk neighborhoods. But as time went on I found that I really enjoyed talking with Highland residents. This time I was excited to go “tracting” again and I am enjoying the opportunity to meet people like you.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via phone, text or email. Below is a copy of the content of a flyer I am handing out when I go out and knock on your doors.

Banner Medium

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When I ran for city council I committed to do three things:

  • Solicit your input
  • Share information
  • Make informed decisions

I kept those commitments!
Here's how:

Sharing Information

  • Posted 112 articles covering council meetings and local issues.
  • Hosted 15 “Issues & Information” meetings which provided an opportunity for us to talk with city council and school board members, state legislators, and state officers about local issues.

Informed Decisions

  • Key issues, such as how to fix the roads, were addressed only after extensive research was conducted. Click here to see my posts that included road discussions.
  • The city now conducts an annual resident survey on matters facing the community.

As your mayor, I will continue to:

  • Solicit input and respond to comments and questions
  • Improve transparency in our decision-making process.
  • Work with staff to provide the council and residents with accurate and complete information.

Specific issues that are on my priority list:

  • East-West Connector: Create a legislative committee to ensure that the state legislature ratifies the Development Center Board’s decision to build the road. Click here to read my posts related to the connector
  • Open-Space and Parks: The open-space fee, park usage and maintenance are complex and emotional issues that must be addressed. I will work with staff and the council to gather essential information and identify the most equitable and reasonable solutions possible.
  • Zoning: It is clear from the recent city surveys that residents want to retain the large-lot feel of Highland and enjoy the city’s family friendly environment. I will ensure that the community continues to be involved in zoning decisions so that these values are protected.

The city is on the right track. I will ensure that we continue moving in the right direction.

Please visit my website and Facebook page to learn more about me. Note, you will find information on current issues with summaries and charts that are not found elsewhere.

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Mobile: 801-318-7141