Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Why I Ran For Highland City Council

Rod Mann
I ran for city council in large part because I did not feel the city communicated well with residents. My strategy for running was quite simple. (1) Articulate a sincere positive message in person (door-to-door and in person meetings) and (2) support this with a flyer and online presence (web site and Facebook page). A number of friends helped me by handing out flyers and setting up home meetings. Most importantly, I had the support of many friends who simply told others about me. I sincerely believe that they were the key to my primary and and general election victories. There are too many to name individually but thank you.

Here is the message I put on my flyers and web site.
As your councilman I will work to ensure that:
  • More is done to communicate with city residents and actively solicit your input. We need to continue to work on reducing our current debt, stop unnecessary spending while maintaining needed infrastructure and services. Your input is essential in making decisions around these important issues!

  • As your councilman I will become informed, share background information, and solicit your input before I vote on key issues. See the list of information below that I've already made available online to help you become more informed. This is either unavailable on the city's website or not available in spreadsheet form with associated charts and graphs.

  • Highland remains a wonderful place to live. I want to do my share to ensure that the city serves its residents and remains a great place to live and raise a family! I see a wonderful future for our community. I believe the glass is always half-full and that win/win solutions can be found if we work together.

Our city is filled with bright accomplished residents who have valuable ideas. I want to give voice to your thoughts!

Rather than continue to pay for my campaign website I will begin posting city related information on this blog using the category Highland. I will also maintain my Highland City Council Facebook Page and use that to share information as well.

Information I shared during the campaign about the road study, budget, property tax comparisons with other Utah County cities will remain in a public Google Drive folder. The files are either Google spreadsheets (similar to Excel) or PDF files. These can be viewed online or downloaded (the Google spreadsheets can be downloaded and converted to Excel files if you want to play around with them).

If you have any suggestions for additional information that could be shared or if you have any questions about the information provided, please let me know. If you don't think I am listening, speak out. We may not always agree in the end but usually discussion brings out new and better options.

Contact info:
  • email:
  • mobile: 801-318-7141

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