Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Highland City Trail Use–Freedom Elementary

Here is the latest data from the trail use survey and two trail counts that were run in the area. We’ve just started using a trail counter to measure trail use and so have limited data to compare. To get daily trail use estimates from the survey for households that said they used the trail:

  • 1 or more times a week we assumed they used the trails 2.5 times per week
  • 1 or more times a month we assumed they used the trails 2 times per month
  • 1 more more times a year we assumed they used the trails 4 times per year.

Highland City Trails - Freedom Elementary

Staff put a trail counter on two trails (W1 & W3). For W1 the counter was out from November 14th through the 21st. For W3 the counter was out from November 21st through Dec 2nd. Obviously we had a couple of snow storms and Thanksgiving during this timeframe so the trail count may not reflect normal use.

2019-12-02 Trail Count Wimbleton


  1. "May not reflect actual usage?" Why are we conducting trail surveys during wintery months over holidays and during snowstorms? And why are we then posting these results during a city council meeting in which the topic of open space trails being repurchased is on the agenda with a City Council member (Ed Dennis) who has a conflict of interest? This doesn't feel right.

    1. I posted it because it is the data we have and because one of the issues which was discussed at last night's council meeting was the removal of trails. An argument I've heard in the past to support removal is that the trails are not used. The survey results and trail counts don't support this argument even though the the trail counter numbers may not reflect typical or normal usage. That said the council moved to dispose of the trails regardless.

  2. Thank you, Rod, for trying to help out in this issue. How can I find out who voted in the council for the disposal of the trails and who voted against? Paula

  3. Ed Dennis, Scott Smith, and Tim Irwin voted for disposal. Brian Braithwaite and Kurt Ostler voted against. M

  4. So whos trails does Scott Smith run on or is he not running anymore so why let others have the trails they love and use...maybe the people need to be educated on how much better their lives could be if they got out and used them a bit...we would have a much healthy group of people...I use them all over the place several times a week...we have way too many couch potatoes around here...


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