The most interesting items on the agenda are:
- Mitchell Hollow baseball field improvements
- Amending to water reservation agreement
This meeting will be held at city hall but there will be limited space because of distancing requirements. We will also stream it on our YouTube channel (click here to watch). Note, individuals, especially those in a high-risk category, are strongly encouraged to participate in the meeting virtually!
You can find an abbreviated meeting agenda together with my thoughts below. The complete agenda (125 pages) which includes the staff reports associated with each item can be accessed by clicking here.
Highland City Council Agenda
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 7:00 PM
- Zoom: Call 1-346-248-7799 Meeting ID: 831 5701 2734
- Email comments prior to meeting:
Time has been set aside for the public to express their ideas, concerns, and comments. Comments are limited to 3 minutes.- PRESENTATIONS
- Alpine School District – Rob Smith, Assistant Superintendent /Business Administrator
Items on the consent agenda are of a routine nature or have been previously studied by the City Council. They are intended to be acted upon in one motion. Council members may pull items from consent if they would like them considered separately.- Approval of Meeting Minutes Administrative
– Administrative Appeal Meeting, September 1, 2020. - Final Plat Approval – Spruces Subdivision Plat B Administrative
The City Council will consider a request by Ferran Construction for a Final Plat approval for a 4-lot subdivision located approximately at 4562 West 11000 North. - Purchase Contract with Wheeler Machinery for a Backhoe Administrative
The City Council will consider approval of a purchase contract with Wheeler Machinery for a backhoe for the amount of $17,000 for the Street Department. - Library Board Bylaws Amendment Administrative
The City Council will consider recently proposed changes in the Highland City Library Board Bylaws concerning duties of the Vice Chair and Secretary. - Interlocal agreement with American Fork, Cedar Hills, and Pleasant Grove Administrative.
The City Council will consider an Interlocal Agreement with American Fork, Cedar Hills, and Pleasant Grove to facilitate the construction of the Mill Ditch Pipeline Enclosure Project.. This agreement is being proposed to help the Pleasant Grove City and Pleasant Grove Irrigation Company (PGIC) pipe the existing Mill Ditch near the mouth of American Fork Canyon. The ditch will be piped as it runs through the Cedar Hills Golf Course. See rectangular shaded sections below:Since there is no cost to Highland and piping ditches is a positive I see no reason for the council to reject the agreement.
Ground Lease Agreement Extension – American Towers Administrative.
The City Council will consider a request by Christiana Abbis representing American Towers to extend a current ground lease agreement for city owned property located at 5600 West 11000 North. The lease allows for access, installation and maintenance of utilities for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a cell tower and other facilities.
The council previously rejected a proposal to extend the agreement. The firm is providing 3 options. Option 2 generates the most amount of case over the life of the deal. I believe the council will take the 2nd option.- One time payment of $235K for a perpetual easement.
- One time payment of $75K, monthly rent of $925 with annual 4% escalation, additional $200 a month in revenue sharing. 6 additional 5 year terms.
- One time payment of $15K, monthly rent of $702 with annual 4% escalation, 6 additional 5 year terms.(this is the equivalent of our current agreement).
Amendment to the Water Reservation Agreement Administrative.
The City Council will consider a request by Perry Homes to modify the Water Reservation Agreement to allow the reservation of water shares prior to final plat approval.
Perry wishes to reserve the remaining shares of water, which the city acquired as a result of the Murdock Canal enclosure project, for use in Highland. The city would receive $882,000. Staff recommends that we approve the change and accept the offer. I concur.Mitchell Hollow Baseball Field Legislative
The City Council will discuss a joint public private partnership for the improvement and maintenance of the Mitchell Hollow Baseball Field. This was brought to staff late last week and as I understand a Highland resident wants to improve the Mitchell Hollow baseball field by among other things installing artificial turf. In exchange he would like preferential scheduling for a baseball league. Seems reasonable to me. My understanding at the moment is that the field is underused due to its current condition. This project would increase utilization of an existing city resource.Library Strategic Plan, Discussion only
Council to share their comments on the library’s strategic plan update (click here for the current draft version). Note, a long-term plan is a requirement for state certification.Feasibility Study For Expanded Library Programming Space, Administrative
The City Council will consider authorizing the Library to contract with CRSA to complete a feasibility study for expanded Library program space. Since this will not be funded by the city I have no issue with it.MAYOR/COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMUNICATION ITEMS
- Park Strip – Todd Trane, City Engineer
- Future Meetings
- October 27, Planning Commission Meeting, 7:00 pm, City Hall
- November 10, City Council Meeting, 7:00 pm, City Hal
- November 17, Planning Commission Meeting, 7:00 pm, City Hall
- December 1, City Council Meeting 7:00 pm, City Hall
- December 8, Planning Commission Meeting, 7:00 pm City Hall
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