Monday, August 16, 2021

Highland City Council Preview for 17 August 2021: Mitchell Hollow Trail, Run Club …

Below is the most recent “2-Minute Tuesday” video from Utah’s Highlander summarizing the Aug 3rd council meeting. The City Council and Mayor let down their hair a did a little celebrating for Fling Week. This video is fun and includes some highlights from the Fling! Note, decorations were courtesy of Suzanne Mann and the Highland Fling Baby Celebration - which was held in the council room earlier in the day.

Here are what I believe are the interesting agenda items:

  • Final plat approval for Sunrise Farms. 10 homes on the north end of the Long Horn field. This is an administrative decision and is on the consent item list because it meets all requirements.
  • Mitch Hollow Trail extension funding. The final design was about $218,000 more than the original estimate. The discussion will center around how to fund the increase. There are several options.
  • A discussion on the Run Club which is an organized group of youth who run for about 30 minutes in the morning during the summer in Canterbury Circle Park. Can they continue to run there next year? There have been a couple of complaints by residents near the park. Do they need to go elsewhere?

This meeting will be held at city hall but we will also stream it on our YouTube channel (click here to watch).  Note, individuals in a high-risk category, are encouraged to participate in the meeting virtually!

You can find an abbreviated meeting agenda together with my thoughts below. The complete agenda (80 pages) which includes the staff reports associated with each item can be accessed by clicking here.

Highland City Council Agenda
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM council meeting
Virtual Participation

The time and duration listed at the end of agenda items is my guess as to the start time of this item and how long it will run..

    Time has been set aside for the public to express their ideas, concerns, and comments. Comments are limited to 3 minutes.


    • A member of the Youth City Council will review their participation in the Highland Fling
    Items on the consent agenda are of a routine nature or have been previously studied by the City Council. They are intended to be acted upon in one motion. Council members may pull items from consent if they would like them considered separately.

    1. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes for July 20th. Administrative
    2. Approval of the appointment of Tyler Standifird to the Planning Commission. Administrative
      Tyler is currently serving as an alternate member of the planning commission and is being appointed to serve out the remainder of Seth Barrus’s term. Seth moved to Texas
    3. Final Plat: Sunrise Farms Plat A. Administrative
      This is an administrative decision meaning that if the plat meets code the council needs to approve it. The R-1-40 subdivision will contain 10 lots on 9.6 acres. It meets code and follows all stipulations identified in the preliminary plat approval.
      2021-08-17 Sunrise Farms Final Plat
    4. Resolution: Plan Review and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Fees Legislative
      • A new fee of $1,500 for plan review and inspections for new subdivisions.
      • An increase from $750 to $1,500 per lot for all other development.
      • A new fee of $50.00 per unit for attached single family home
    In order to protect the City from incomplete or inadequate installation of public
    improvements, the City requires the developer of a subdivision to post a bond that covers the cost of 110% of the public improvements and landscaping, of which 10% is held after the improvements have been accepted by the city to guarantee those improvements. Utah State Code Section 10-9a-604.5(2)(i) establishes the requirements related to improvement warranty when a subdivision plat is recorded. It states: “A municipality shall… establish a minimum of two acceptable forms of completion assurance.” Currently Development Code only identifies one form. The proposed amendment includes “an irrevocable letter of credit” as an acceptable
    form of a bond for the performance guarantee.

    imageLone Peak Police have one radar feedback sign mounted on a trailer to use for both Highland and Alpine. The mayor would like to use the trailer more frequently than it is currently available to be scheduled to help document and mitigate speeding issues in the city. Staff obtained a quote for a sign and trailer from Traffic Logix totaling $5,899.00, which includes one year of unlimited cloud access for data storage. We have one other quote for a similar system for $6,865 and two other quotes are pending.

    Back in March of this year the council approved a reimbursement agreement with Millhaven Homes to extend the  existing Mitchell Hollow trail south to Canal Blvd. The  amount approved was $167,438. After a couple of iterations on the design the  estimated cost now stands at $384,958 (one design was $582,500).
    2021-08-17 Mitchell Hollow Trail
    The council has several options to fund the additional cost ($218,000) including taking the funds out of reserve, reallocate a majority of the funds that we previously planned to use for trees and playgrounds, or use a majority the funds planned for trail maintenance and sidewalk construction. We could also defer for a year and submit a request for MAG/County funds. I spoke with the MAG resource that oversees regional trail projects and his view was that this project would score well if we extended the trail to the Equestrian Center (south of 9600 N) as this trail would then complete a section of an already approved regional trail which provides connectivity to the Murdock Canal trail. The city would need to agree to a 6.67% match for the project. My personal view is that expanding the trail project and submitting for the county funds is worth the modest risk incurred by delaying the project. If the project is funded by MAG the money would not be available for 4 to 5 years but we could sign an agreement to execute all or part of the project earlier and then get reimbursed when the funds become available.


    On August 3rd staff reviewed with council the options available to the city for spending the $1,134,686.50 we received from the in federal grant money authorized by ARPA. Council shared their input with staff at the meeting and during interim via email. We will review the feedback and staff will bring us up to date on their research

    The State set aside $50M to use to match ARPA projects which will be selected using by a process it has outlined. Project submittals due by September 15th. October 15th project reviews completed by a committee which will report to an executive report their selections on Oct 19th. By mid November applicant will be notified and the grants will be dispersed. On Aug 25th the state and League of Cities and Towns will host a webinar on the application process. Until  we know more about the grant selection criteria I don’t believe we can finalize any decisions on use of ARPA funds.

    1. Run Club – Council Member Kim Rodela.
    2. Future Meetings
      • Aug 24: Planning Commission Meeting, 7:00 pm, City Hall
      • Sept 7: City Council Meeting, 7:00 pm, City Hall
      • Sept 8: Lone Peak Public Safety District Board Meeting, 7:30 am, City Hall
      • Sept 21: City Council Meeting, 7:00 pm, City Hall
      • Sept 28: Planning Commission Meeting, 7:00 pm, City Hall



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