Public Comment: None
Representative Mike Kennedy: Mike thanked the council for being involved and invited members to come up to the capital next year during the session. He briefly discussed the session. Mentioned that he had voted against the gas tax increase, not because he opposed it, but because he received a copy of the last revision of the bill at 11:45 PM the last day of the session and he did not have time to review the changes. He also mentioned that there was no fiscal note attached and he does believe a vote should be taken on a tax increase without understanding its impact.
Consent Items
MOTION: Approval of Minutes for the March 3, 2015 City Council Regular Session. Approved
RESOLUTION: Approval to surplus an old piano, phones, and misc. computer equipment Approved. Note, staff posted the following notice on the city website:
The Highland City Council approved a Resolution on March 17, 2015 Approving the Surplus of the following Personal Property. These items are to be advertised as surplus for 14 days at which time they will be disposed of either by donation, sale or disposal.
• Community Center Piano – The current piano is over 80 years old and is no longer able to maintain tone. In order to help bring more concerts and performances to Highland the Arts Council has received enough donations and with the trade of the old piano, to be able to provide the city with a new piano. This piano will be owned by the city and housed in the Highland Community Center.
• Cisco Phone System - With the failure of Cisco phone system, Highland purchased the ShoreTel phone system. The new system left the city with approximately 58 phones and 4 servers. The servers are out of date and are of no value and will be disposed of. The phones are able to be resold to help offset the cost of the new system.
• Misc. computer towers and equipment - Over the years Highland City has had computers and equipment that has failed or been broken. 12 Towers: All towers will have the hard drives removed and properly destroyed by Highlands IT personnel, due to the age the towers, they are of no value and will then be deposed of. 4 keyboards – 5 monitors and misc. cables and equipment will be donate or sold if working and disposed of it broken.
For any questions regarding the surplus of the above items, please contact the City Recorder at 801-772-4504
MOTION: Ratification of Appointment of Chairman to the Highland Fling Committee – Jessie Schoenfeld. Approved
- Annexation of 37.18 acres of Real Property - Northeast corner of Highland Boulevard and 11800 North:
There were no public comments. The developer is revising the development plans after discussing them with the planning commission so council deferred approval until revisions are completed.
Motion: Request for two (2) Pressurized Irrigation Connections outside of City Limits – Tom Williams: Tabled to such time as the land owners come to the council and discuss the issue. Brian Braithwaite expressed a concern about the impact and precedent of adding a non-resident to Highland’s PI system.
One of the connections was to water over 3 acres of farm land, the other was for the home.The owners told staff they were willing to water during the day to reduce the chance of impacting the water pressure during the evening when residents are watering. The owner would also lease water shares to the city to cover the water being used (i.e. the PI system would simply be acting as a delivery vehicle for the owner’s water). The agreement between Lehi and Highland is for the land, which is currently unincorporated, is to be annexed into Lehi at a future date. Lehi, however, has declined to offer PI services to the owner. Since the owner was not present and there were questions about the owner’s intention in terms of incorporating into Highland or Lehi, the motion was to table the question until the land owners came to a council meeting.
Note, water to the property is currently provided through a ditch system. There is one other property (located in Highland) that is currently being served by this ditch. If this property were to convert to pressurized irrigation then the ditch could be filled in which would benefit some Highland residents. -
Motion: A request to Expand the Parking Lot for Lone Peak High School by Acquiring City Owned Land - Alpine School District. Will continue the discussion in a month. ASD to bring plans that will accommodate a 3rd soccer field to the west of the Seminary building. Note, proposed parking areas highlighted in yellow. One of the residents who attended the meeting raised the question as to why we wanted to encourage additional student drivers by adding more parking spaces.
Motion: Authorize Staff to bid HA5 Surface Treatment Road Maintenance Projects - in the amount not to exceed $91,539 ($0.167 per square foot) with a $20,000 budget for crack sealing. Approved unanimously. At the previous council meeting the council directed staff to execute only one of two proposed road reconstruction project and if possible put the unused funds into additional surface (maintenance) treatments. The theory being we get more bang for our buck maintaining good roads. The map below shows the additional surface treatment projects in yellow.
ORDINANCE: Amending Chapter 10.08 Supplemental Vehicle Regulations of the Highland City Municipal Code – prohibiting parking of all trailers and inoperable vehicles in city owned parking spaces. Approved.
The objective of the ordinance change was to provide the city with an additional means to incentivize residents to not consume valuable parking space in the town center area with trailers and inoperable vehicles.
Salt Building - Justin Parduhn, O&M Director. Justin proposed using unexpended money from the 2014-2015 salt budget to build a salt storage building on the land west of the current maintenance building located at the mouth of the canyon on the north side of Timpanogos Hwy. Cities are required by federal regulations to store salt in a covered area. Building the facility before we are threatened with fines seems the prudent thing to do, especially since we have the funds this year due to lower than expected salt expenses for the winter.
Pending Action Items
Description | Requested by / Owner | Due Date | Status |
Certified Impact Fee – Completed Report | City Council | 1st qtr.. | Zion's Bank approved – report in progress |
Impact Facilities Plan | City Council | 1st qtr. 2015 | In progress |
Road Capital Improvement Plan for FY 15-16 Prioritize and Communicate to Residents | City Council | January | Contracted with King Engineering. |
Determine Park Use For Recreation | City Council | 1st qtr. 2015 | Staff to make recommendations |
SR74 Median at Pebble Lane Subdivision | Staff |
| Waiting to hear from council. |
Building use Policy and Fees | Rod Mann Emily |
| Gathering information |
Bike Traffic along SR 74 | Jessie Schoenfeld PW |
| In progress |
* I asked staff to add or update the due dates for the highlighted items.
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